Monday, January 2

Day Two

This morning I woke up to a Belley-Girl crawling in bed with me. Snuggling in we had a few quiet moments to start the day. Em and Lily were with Jeremy so the entire day was spent with just me and the littlest one. Individual one on one time with each kid is rare, so when it happens it's like receiving a gift.

We had breakfast. Belle played a computer game while I did my bible study. We played war. She won. We didn't go out and do anything special. Mainly since it was the week after Christmas and January is typically a tight month as we all are rebounding. We didn't need to. Having uninterrupted time to laugh and talk and play was special enough.

In the middle of our card War, my cell phone chimed in with a text. Minding the fact that being present is my resolution, I let it sit. I figured if it was important they would call. It sat on the table for close to 45 minutes. I wish I could say it was easy. It wasn't. The curiosity was quite nagging actually. But leave it I did. This is what I discovered: pure, unadulterated joy in the face of my little girl as she solely held all of her mother's attention.

I don't know that any of my children can tell you a time they held every bit of my attention. 1) I suspect that I am ADD and often ping pong around. 2) I'm a mother of THREE! Multi-tasking comes out of sheer necessity! But I can tell you was beautiful...that look she gave me. I want to see it again and again on the faces of all my children as they discover their mother wants nothing more than to be fully aware of their presence in her life.

Today I am thankful for the hard things. The places in our lives where the curtains are pulled back and areas of correction are exposed. Out of these hard places come renewal and new strengths. For that, I am grateful.

If the only prayer you said in your whole life was, "thank you," that would suffice. ~Meister Eckhart

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