Sunday, January 1

Day One

A year ago, I was turned onto a blog written by a woman who picked one word every year. That word was her focus for the year to come. Now for some this may be the same thing as a resolution. For me it is not. My resolution is to try to be present. Not to over commit myself. Not to multi-task to the point of simply checking off a list and calling it my life. But to be focused and committed to what I am doing or who I am with at that very moment.

My word, however, is gratitude.

Lat year, I chose the word shine. Shine last year did. I was engaged. Married. We bought a house. I excelled at school making it possible for me to help other women shine. There were songs that seemed to sing that word to me over and over. Yet even in the midst of all that glitters darkness can creep into our hearts if we are not careful to guard it. With all my blessings, I was still harboring...AM still harboring some serious hurts. Not truly knowing how to let them go...possibly unwilling to let them go.

I was reading a book that caused me to chew on a couple of different things. It wasn't even a book that intended to do that. I wasn't trying to help myself. I was just reading for the sheer joy and pleasure of it. I kept putting it down at intervals and thinking: 'I wonder....'  What I stumbled upon was my word for the next year.

It's hard to be hurt or angry or even pessimistic if your focus is on the fullness and blessings in your life. So begins The Gratitude Project. My attempt to focus on all there is to be thankful for.

Today I am thankful for a husband who encourages me to slow down and take days off. Not caring if that means the dishes are left unwashed or if he has to do a load of laundry. A man who is patient to teach me that life is not balls to the wall all the time.  I am only able to learn this because he doesn't get angry or frustrated when I do take a day and do whatever I want :)

-What if the only thing you have tomorrow is what you thanked God for today?-

1 comment:

  1. You need to read "One Thousand Gifts" by Ann Voskamp if you haven't already. It will fill your heart full of gratitude. It's my favorite book and will most definitely be continually read throughout my life. :)
