Monday, January 9

Day Nine

Well yesterday I was just being a cry-baby whine-ass. Yes. That's the technical term for how I felt on such a lovely afternoon...or at least it was in my family.

I had plenty of things for which to be grateful...but I was in a no good stinky rotten mood. And I don't really have a good excuse as to why. Except for maybe lack of sleep.

Today, I was blessed with several things to chose from. Number One on that list was the kids new school. Lily was a nervous wreck when we dropped her off. Poor girl is nervous by nature anyway. Her stomach gets upset. She can't sleep. Anxiety really does a number on her. Dropping her off was hard. Em and Belle weren't as nervous...actually, I think Em probably was but doesn't often show her emotions. Picking them up though was something else entirely. Lily was bubbly and talkative in the hallway with her teacher. It was awesome. She fit. She made a new friend right off the bat. Walking across the street Izzy leaped to the window to wave enthusiastically at Lil through the window. Belle was placed in the class with Trinity, our next door neighbor. Only Em is left to find her niche. I know she's nervous, but I'm not. Em knows who she is and Jr. High is a hard place. She'll be wonderful. She's a smart, witty likable girl. What's not to love?

Gratitude is the memory of the heart. ~Jean Baptiste Massieu, translated from French

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